

Luxant provides a variety of services for your journey to the edge and cloud to get the most business value out of your system.

We specialize in application development and integration for edge and cloud computing covering environments from bare metal to cloud to edge and device - direct on the OS, containers, and with Kubernetes.

Reach out for an initial consultation today.


There are a number of architectural decisions that can make or break a distributed system, especially in edge computing. A well designed system will better SLAs, provide faster time to value, and will scale to last you years.

Conversely, poor design will result in problems that are magnified down the road as your business grows, incurring tremendous expense, opportunity cost, and missed deadlines affecting your customers.

If you’re already operating but hitting the edges of performance and encroaching on your SLAs, we can help you optimize to realize a resilient and predictable system that reduces TCO and speeds up time to value.

We can help you resolve today's problems and head off tomorrow's problems with guidance to achieve a competitive advantage.


Choosing the right technology isn’t always easy and it’s difficult to think through the many corner cases. The wrong choice will inhibit growth and lengthen time to market, costing your business time and money, and could set you back years.

Having been on both sides of the table many times, we can help guide you in your proof of concept to most effectively vet products from technical specifications and performance to corporate and technical risk profiling. You need the best technology for your business.

We can work with you to garner the best information to inform your technology choices for your business.


We provide tailored advice and guidance around building applications for your specific use case, for the edge, for the cloud, or on-premise. There's an art to building resilient applications that scale - even with finely tuned software, corner cases in software design can cripple a system. We offer highly targeted application design and implementation guidance in Java, .NET, C, C++, go, and others as part of the architectural assessment and can mentor your teams in application design for large scale, distributed systems.


All businesses eventually need to modernize, or they will flounder and lose to the competition.

Modernization can include IT/OT Convergence, migration of legacy applications and operations to the cloud and edge, decomposing monolithic applications to scalable micro-services. We work with technologies including, MQTT, Kafka, AMQP, SQS, SNS, Redis, and many others.


After an architectural assessment we can continue to work with your business on overall strategy to inform your team setup, systems, and to establish proven procedures that will yield benefits both today and moving forward so you can rest easy at night.  Planning for security, scalability, resiliency, and easy to replicate deployment models is key to having a system that can scale with your business.

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