

Colin Sullivan

Hi. I’m Colin. Welcome to Luxant Solutions.

Luxant came from: Lux = light (/lʌks/) + ant = agent of. Data travels near the speed of light, and the systems we build are agents of data processing.

One of my greatest joys in work is helping my clients successfully leverage distributed systems to enable their businesses. I enjoy the challenge of making a complex distributed system easy, fast and reliable regardless of location - on-premise, cloud, edge, or device.

Over the last 25 years I've been lucky enough to be an innovator behind some of the most widely used communication technologies in the industry including Talarian SmartSockets, TIBCO (RV, EMS, FTL, PGM) and NATS.io.  It's been interesting to see these used across many vertical markets - from aviation, aerospace, fintech, insurance, and retail, to connected vehicles and many others.

As NATS product manager and VP of product at Synadia, I had the opportunity to help many businesses implement novel cloud and edge use cases - which drove the NATS project to support the massive deployments it does today.

If you have needs with a connective technology or distributed computing, especially at the edge, certainly reach out.

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